Sunday 16 November 2008

Alone once more

They're leaving me again. My parents are going home again tomorrow and leaving me to my loneliness. A part of me wants them to go to have my own space and privacy back, and another part of me doesn't want them to go because I know that I may not see them again.
Still once more they are leaving without me telling them how much I love them and how much I care for them. I do, but I never said it, I took them for granted, I thought that they are going to be there forever, but this time I could see that they are really growing older. I'm trying to tell them that I love them, but there are many things that I could have done while they were here with me.
Tomorrow I will drive them to the airport and go back to an empty house where no one's going to have lunch with me for a long time. With no one to say good bye when I go to work, and no one waiting for me when I come home.
I hate to see you go folks.


Anonymous said...

it's never too late .. maybe you should tell them that you love them tomorrow before they leave. I know it's hard (never knew why though), but it will mean a lot to them.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely understand what you wrote to the extent that I could tell what your next sentence would be. My heart goes out for you. My own folks just left too and I had the exact feelings. However, we should be proud of ourselves that we are making it on our own. Best of luck man.

Gypo said...

The same goes for you man. But you're right we should be proud of that.